Table of Contents for First Edition

Preface ix


1 Data Mining and Analysis ....................... 1

1.1 Data Matrix 1
1.2 Attributes 3
1.3 Data: Algebraic and Geometric View 4
1.4 Data: Probabilistic View 14
1.5 Data Mining 30
1.6 Further Reading 30
1.7 Exercises 30

2 Numeric Attributes ............................. 33

2.1 Univariate Analysis 33
2.2 Bivariate Analysis 42
2.3 Multivariate Analysis 48
2.4 Data Normalization 52
2.5 Normal Distribution 54
2.6 Further Reading 60
2.7 Exercises 60

3 Categorical Attributes ......................... 63

3.1 Univariate Analysis 63
3.2 Bivariate Analysis 72
3.3 Multivariate Analysis 82
3.4 Distance and Angle 87
3.5 Discretization 89
3.6 Further Reading 91
3.7 Exercises 91

4 Graph Data ..................................... 93

4.1 Graph Concepts 93
4.2 Topological Attributes 97
4.3 Centrality Analysis 102
4.4 Graph Models 112
4.5 Further Reading 132
4.6 Exercises 132

5 Kernel Methods ................................. 134

5.1 Kernel Matrix 138
5.2 Vector Kernels 144
5.3 Basic Kernel Operations in Feature Space 148
5.4 Kernels for Complex Objects 154
5.5 Further Reading 161
5.6 Exercises 161

6 High-dimensional Data .......................... 163

6.1 High-dimensional Objects 163
6.2 High-dimensional Volumes 165
6.3 Hypersphere Inscribed within Hypercube 168
6.4 Volume of Thin Hypersphere Shell 169
6.5 Diagonals in Hyperspace 171
6.6 Density of the Multivariate Normal 172
6.7 Appendix: Derivation of Hypersphere Volume 175
6.8 Further Reading 180
6.9 Exercises 180

7 Dimensionality Reduction ....................... 183

7.1 Background 183
7.2 Principal Component Analysis 187
7.3 Kernel Principal Component Analysis 202
7.4 Singular Value Decomposition 208
7.5 Further Reading 213
7.6 Exercises 214


8 Itemset Mining ................................. 217

8.1 Frequent Itemsets and Association Rules 217
8.2 Itemset Mining Algorithms 221
8.3 Generating Association Rules 234
8.4 Further Reading 236
8.5 Exercises 237

9 Summarizing Itemsets ........................... 242

9.1 Maximal and Closed Frequent Itemsets 242
9.2 Mining Maximal Frequent Itemsets: GenMax Algorithm 245
9.3 Mining Closed Frequent Itemsets: Charm Algorithm 248
9.4 Nonderivable Itemsets 250
9.5 Further Reading 256
9.6 Exercises 256

10 Sequence Mining ............................... 259

10.1 Frequent Sequences 259
10.2 Mining Frequent Sequences 260
10.3 Substring Mining via Suffix Trees 267
10.4 Further Reading 277
10.5 Exercises 277

11 Graph Pattern Mining .......................... 280

11.1 Isomorphism and Support 280
11.2 Candidate Generation 284
11.3 The gSpan Algorithm 288
11.4 Further Reading 296
11.5 Exercises 297

12 Pattern and Rule Assessment ................... 301

12.1 Rule and Pattern Assessment Measures 301
12.2 Significance Testing and Confidence Intervals 316
12.3 Further Reading 328
12.4 Exercises 328


13 Representative-based Clustering ............... 333

13.1 K-means Algorithm 333
13.2 Kernel K-means 338
13.3 Expectation-Maximization Clustering 342
13.4 Further Reading 360
13.5 Exercises 361

14 Hierarchical Clustering ....................... 364

14.1 Preliminaries 364
14.2 Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering 366
14.3 Further Reading 372
14.4 Exercises and Projects 373

15 Density-based Clustering ...................... 375

15.1 The DBSCAN Algorithm 375
15.2 Kernel Density Estimation 379
15.3 Density-based Clustering: DENCLUE 385
15.4 Further Reading 390
15.5 Exercises 391

16 Spectral and Graph Clustering ................. 394

16.1 Graphs and Matrices 394
16.2 Clustering as Graph Cuts 401
16.3 Markov Clustering 416
16.4 Further Reading 422
16.5 Exercises 423

17 Clustering Validation ......................... 425

17.1 External Measures 425
17.2 Internal Measures 440
17.3 Relative Measures 448
17.4 Further Reading 461
17.5 Exercises 462


18 Probabilistic Classification .................. 467

18.1 Bayes Classifier 467
18.2 Naive Bayes Classifier 473
18.3 K Nearest Neighbors Classifier 477
18.4 Further Reading 479
18.5 Exercises 479

19 Decision Tree Classifier ...................... 481

19.1 Decision Trees 483
19.2 Decision Tree Algorithm 485
19.3 Further Reading 496
19.4 Exercises 496

20 Linear Discriminant Analysis .................. 498

20.1 Optimal Linear Discriminant 498
20.2 Kernel Discriminant Analysis 505
20.3 Further Reading 511
20.4 Exercises 512

21 Support Vector Machines ....................... 514

21.1 Support Vectors and Margins 514
21.2 SVM: Linear and Separable Case 520
21.3 Soft Margin SVM: Linear and Nonseparable Case 524
21.4 Kernel SVM: Nonlinear Case 530
21.5 SVM Training: Stochastic Gradient Ascent 534
21.6 Further Reading 545
21.7 Exercises 546

22 Classification Assessment ..................... 548

22.1 Classification Performance Measures 548
22.2 Classifier Evaluation 562
22.3 Bias-Variance Decomposition 572
22.5 Further Reading 581
22.6 Exercises 582

Index 585